Cookie and privacy policy

Foster Refrigerator respects your personal privacy and is committed to adhering to the applicable privacy and data protection laws and industry guidelines. This privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") describes how we handle the personal information that you to provide to us on this website ("Website"). This policy applies only to the Foster Refrigerator website portfolio (including but are not limited to,,,,,, & and not to any third-party sites that may be accessible from here.



To make this website simpler to use and navigate, we sometimes place a small data file on your computer or device. These are known as cookies. Most websites you visit will use cookies in order to improve your user experience by enabling that website to ‘remember’ you, either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) or for repeat visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’).

Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences, and generally improving your experience of a website. Cookies make the interaction between you and the website faster and easier. If a website doesn’t use cookies, it will think you are a new visitor every time you move to a new page on the site – for example, when you enter your login details and move to another page it won’t recognise you and it won’t be able to keep you logged in.

They make your visit simpler by:

  • Remembering settings, so you don't have to re-enter them at every page you visit (such as placing Items in an ecommerce shopping basket)
  • Remembering information you've given (such as a PostCode) so you don't need to keep re-entering it
  • Measuring how you use our website so we can improve it to meet your needs

At no time do we store or retrieve any information that can personally identify you – they’re just here to make the site work better for you and are essential to the usage of our website. Did you know you can manage and/or delete these small files as you wish? Learn more about cookies and how to manage them at

If you prevent cookie usage on this website then please note that some parts may then be inaccessible or not function properly.

If you do not want any information collected, then you should choose not to use the Foster Refrigerator web site.

How we use cookies

Our website may use cookies in several places - we’ve listed each of them below with more details about why we use them and how long they will last.

Measuring Website Usage (Google Analytics)

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how people use this site. We do this to make sure it is meeting its users’ needs and to understand how we could do it better.

Google Analytics stores information about what pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got here and what you click on. No personally identifiable information is ever added to a cookie by Google.

The following cookies are set by Google Analytics:





Used to distinguish users.

2 years


Used to persist session state.

2 years

_gid Used to distinguish users. 24 hours
_gat Used to throttle request rate 1 minute
_gac_<property-id> Contains campaign related information for the user. 90 days


Shopping Basket

For our websites that contain ecommerce areas, we set a simple cookie that has:





website domain name (ie,

randomly generated alpha-numeric code (shopping basket id eg Nc87HDteg3)

60 days OR directly on completion of purchase


Members and Registered Users

For our websites that contain members areas and have registered users, we set a simple cookie that has:




website domain name (ie,

id number of membership (eg '42')

At midnight of the same day

not all websites

your country (by name eg 'UK')

At midnight of the same day

not all websites

VAT exemption status (simple 'Yes' or 'No')

At midnight of the same day


'Remember Me' Function

For our websites that contain members areas and have registered users, and allow you to be 'remembered' for your next visit, we set a simple cookie that has:





website domain name (ie,

id number of membership (eg '42')

30 Days


Website Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice applies, in general, to all Websites operated by or on behalf of Foster Refrigerator and its business units worldwide:



 Active Information Collection

Like many other web sites, we actively collect information from our visitors both by asking specific questions on this site and by permitting you to communicate directly with us via e-mail. Some of the information that you submit may be personally identifiable (that is, information that can be uniquely identified with you, such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, etc.). Foster Refrigerator uses this information for the purposes of pursuing its ordinary course of business as described in more detail below. For example, if you provide your resume to Foster Refrigerator for purposes of obtaining employment, the resume will be used for activities related to your potential employment. The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.

We collect information from website submission forms, including sales enquires and service faults to provide support to our customers. The information provided in these forms are only used for their intended purpose, and only seen by those processing the enquiry. The information submitted via the website is only stored if necessary, in line with our Retention Policy, and is otherwise destroyed.

Passive Information Collection

Some of the information we collect depends on the settings on your web browser. Please check your web browser if you want to learn what information your browser sends or how to change your settings. In addition to the information sent by your web browser, as you navigate through our websites, certain information can be passively collected (that is, gathered without you actively providing the information) using various technologies and means, such as navigational data collection.

Like most web site operators, we track IP addresses, use both session and persistent cookies, and assign Internet tags. Our system also automatically gathers information about the areas you visit on this site and collects operational information about the technology you use, such as your browser, type of computer, operating systems and Internet service providers, as explained further in our Cookie Notice (above).

We passively collect information to understand what areas of this site are most popular, which areas may require improvement and what technologies are being used by our visitors. This information helps us to update and improve this site. We also use this information for security purposes, to detect and to block security breaches and to provide you with a safe online environment.


Foster Refrigerator uses a third-party service to help maintain the security and performance of the website. To deliver this service it processes the IP addresses of visitors to the website. 

Compatible purposes

In general, we will use the personal information we collect from you only for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice or for purposes that we explain to you at the time we collect your personal information.  However, we may also use your personal information for other purposes that are not incompatible with the purposes we have disclosed to you (such as archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes) if and where this is permitted by applicable data protection laws.


If you are a visitor from the European Economic Area or the United Kingdom, our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it. 

However, we will normally collect personal information from you only where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, or where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.  In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you or may otherwise need the personal information to protect your vital interests or those of another person.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contact with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information). 

Similarly, if we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will make clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are.

If you have questions about or need further information concerning the legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information, please contact us by using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading below. 



Foster Refrigerator retains the personal information collected on the website as long as necessary to provide the services, products and information you request or as permitted by applicable law and in line with our retention policy, applied under GDPR.


We may share your personal information with the following categories of recipients:

  • Our group companies, third party services providers and partners who provide data processing services to us (for example, to support the delivery of, provide functionality on, or help to enhance the security of our Website), or who otherwise process personal information for purposes that are described in this Privacy Notice or notified to you when we collect your personal information.


Note, when someone visits we use a third party service, Google Tag Manager and Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. We do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. We will make it clear when we collect personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it.


  • Any competent law enforcement body, regulatory, government agency, court or other third party where we believe disclosure is necessary (i) as a matter of applicable law or regulation, (ii) to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or (iii) to protect your vital interests or those of any other person;
  • potential buyer (and its agents and advisers) in connection with any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Notice;
  • Any other person with your consent to the disclosure.



You have the following data protection rights:

  • If you wish to access, correct, update or request deletion of your personal information, you can do so at any time by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading below.


  • In addition, you can object to processing of your personal information, ask us to restrict processing of your personal information or request portability of your personal information. Again, you can exercise these rights by contacting us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading below.


  • You have the right to opt-out of marketing communications we send you at any time. You can exercise this right by clicking on the “unsubscribe” or “opt-out” link in the marketing e-mails we send you.  To opt-out of other forms of marketing (such as postal marketing or telemarketing), then please contact us using the contact details provided under the “How to contact us” heading below


  • Similarly, if we have collected and process your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing we conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing of your personal information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent.
  • You have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority.

We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

You may send us an e-mail message at to exercise the above rights, which we will respond to within 30 days. To protect your privacy, we will only respond to e-mail messages sent from the e-mail account you used to set up your account. Should you elect to have your information deleted, we will also delete your user account.


We work hard to protect your personal information. Foster Refrigerator will not sell personal information collected from its web site to mailing list brokers without your express consent. All information is stored within a secured database that is not accessible to the outside world. Resumes are stored on file systems that are not publicly accessible. All Foster Refrigerator servers are protected behind both hardware and software firewalls. Low-level access to all information is restricted to authorized support personnel only.

This site contains links to other web sites operated by third parties that may be of interest to you. We cannot control these third-party sites, which may collect personal information from you. When you follow a link and leave this site, you do so at your own risk.


This site is not intended for children under the age of 13. We will not knowingly collect information from site visitors in this age group. We encourage parents to talk to their children about their use of the Internet and the information they disclose online. If your child has submitted personal information and you would like to request that such information be deleted from our records, you may do so by using the feedback mechanisms provided, or by writing us at the address set forth in Section 5 below.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Notice or the information practices of this site, please contact us at:

Foster Refrigerator

Oldmedow Road, King's Lynn

Norfolk, PE30 4JU

01553 691122

Compliance and cooperation with regulatory authorities

We review our privacy notice on a regular basis. Our procedures and practises are in line with the GDPR set by the EU, which will remain the case after the UK has left the EU.

International transfers

Your personal information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries based outside of the European Economic Area ("EEA") for example if we share your information with group companies and/or service providers based or operating outside of the EEA. These countries may have data protection laws that are different to the laws of your country.

However, we have taken appropriate safeguards to require that your personal information will remain protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice.


Foster Refrigerator reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy, at any time and without prior notice, by posting the revised version of this Privacy Policy on our Foster Refrigerator Website. If we modify this Privacy Notice, the modifications will only apply to personal information we collect after we have posted the revised Privacy Notice on the Website.

All images and / or photographs shown are for illustration purpose only. All images and photographs are not intended to be relied upon for, nor to form part of, any contract unless specifically incorporated in writing into the contract. Solely the dimensions and specifications incorporated in the quotation or purchase order confirmation shall be contractually binding.