board with salmon and pistachio dishes


Proud holders of
the Royal Warrant


shell of seafood with gourmet starters

Foster Refrigerator has been supplying
the royal estate for over 25 years.

we were awarded the royal warrant for Suppliers of Commercial Refrigeration by appointment of Her Majesty, The Queen in 1994.

A Royal Warrant of Appointment is a prestigious mark of recognition of those who regularly supply goods or services for at least five years to the Households of HM The Queen, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh or HRH The Prince of Wales.


The earliest known example of a royal approval between the monarch and tradespeople was granted by Henry II in 1155 to the Weavers’ Company.  

Nowadays, there are over 800 Royal Warrant holders, each with a commitment to the highest standards of service, quality and excellence in their fields.

To learn more about the Royal Warrant, visit Royal Warrant Holders Association.

Royal warrant holders