Site surveys
Before ordering your product, there are a few initial checks we recommend you carry out.
We've put together a quick guide to help!
Measure, measure, measure!
Check the dimensions of the space available versus the product dimensions to make sure the product will fit. Remember to allow for the doors to open and adequate space for ventilation.
If you are having your product set to work, we will need to move your new refrigeration into place. Check the accessibility to the kitchen – are there steps? Are corridors narrow or have tight corners?
Confirm the size of doorways to make sure the refrigeration can fit through to their end location. Consider whether there are any 'pinch' points that we need to be aware of.
On the road!
To limit any delivery issues, it's important to think about whether we will be able to reach your premises.
Check whether access to site will be possible, typically an 18t lorry. If roads are narrow, we may need to organise a smaller lorry.
Are there roadworks obstructing the routes?
Learn more about our delivery services here.
If you need any help or clarification, please call us for more information.